Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's raining!!

It rained today for the first time since I got here. This city cannot handle rain! It started to flood after just 20 minutes! It was cold and dreary :( But, I bought my ticket to see Iguazu today!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

fuuck hahaha

here's a funny picture...I have no idea what it really means.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Strange things for sale!

Yes, these are all real...YUCK! These were at an outdoor market.

look what I bought today!!!!

We went to two outdoor events where people were selling things and i found these! They are made of wood and hand painted. How cool are they?!


These videos were taken in two different places today. They have many outdoor events here on Sundays.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

Saturday, June 23, 2012

More pictures!!

The Eva Peron Museum

Today we went to the Evita museum which is inside a house that she used as a kind of homeless shelter for women and children. There were many artifacts, dresses, hats and purses of hers as well as many videos of her speaking and videos of her husband speaking to the public. The museum was very nice and it was interesting to see the old kitchen and some old sewing machines. Below are pictures of almost everything they had to see:

UbicaciĆ³n:Evita Museum, Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina