Thursday, July 26, 2012

Artic fox on the Valdez Peninsula

This guy is so cuuuttee! :)

Video of whales in the Valdez Peninsula

I was on a boat off of the Valdez Peninsula.  As you can see, it was very windy! According to our guide, when it's windy, whales don't like to come to the surface. :( darn!!

This video is at a different beach on the other side of the Valdez Peninsula.  We couldn't go down to the shore because the stairs were broken.  I asked if I could still go down because it was just a steep hill but they said no.  Since I was on a bus and had to be back at a certain time, I decided not to go down.  We were in the middle of nowhere and I certainly didn't want to be stuck down there.

Friday, July 13, 2012

traffic in Buenos Aires

The traffic here is hilarious. I'm used to it now, I guess. Watch the video until the end...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Refugio de animales salvajes-Shelter for wild animals just pics

I was finally able to go to a place that I agree with that could be considered a zoo. This place is in Iguazú Falls, Argentina and they have wild animals who were sick or injured somehow that they rehabilitate and release back into the wild. All the animals they have are native to the area. The "cages" are actually large fenced in domes deep in the jungle. We rode on a trailer hauled by a huge tractor into the jungle. The only cement you see is the cement used to keep the cages standing...inside, is dirt, grass, trees and flowers. It was pretty amazing!

I saw a toucan, huge birds that looked like eagles but were different colors (grey, black and spotted) I saw some animals I have never seen before, there was a type of deer, monkeys, some kind of animal that looked like a short horse with long hair and a flatter face, and lots of tropical birds. There were no big cats there :( but they have had them there before.

I couldn't get a good pic of this gorgeous toucan because he kept moving his head! They had 3 there but the other two were hiding.

This parrot was much larger than he appears here. He was probably a foot tall (not counting his tail). Right after I took this picture, he decided to fly into the tree and his wings were so much wider than I expected. He was gorgeous!

This is one of the cages the birds live in

Videos of Iguazú

These are videos of Iguazú Falls in northern Argentina near the Brazilian border (Actually the river separates the 2 countries) and Paraguay is just a mile away. The first two videos are of the Devil's Throat and the other video shows a different set of falls.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

videos from uruguay

these girls came up to the area where we eating lunch. After they were done, they walked around with hat asking for money.

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This video is a little bumpy because I am walking down the street.

YouTube Video

I went to Uruguay yesterday!

We took a large boat/ferry to Uruguay yesterday. We chose the rapid trip which took 1 hour.

The city we went to was Colonia and it is the oldest city in Uruguay. The city looked very different than Buenos Aires. Almost every building was only one floor and very short.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's raining!!

It rained today for the first time since I got here. This city cannot handle rain! It started to flood after just 20 minutes! It was cold and dreary :( But, I bought my ticket to see Iguazu today!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

fuuck hahaha

here's a funny picture...I have no idea what it really means.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Strange things for sale!

Yes, these are all real...YUCK! These were at an outdoor market.

look what I bought today!!!!

We went to two outdoor events where people were selling things and i found these! They are made of wood and hand painted. How cool are they?!


These videos were taken in two different places today. They have many outdoor events here on Sundays.

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